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This third ESLCCC symposium, which will be held in Amsterdam, aims to address the complex and diverse nature of an emerging clinical area in the widest possible context, from scientific research and clinical studies to nursing procedures and socioeconomic issues.


This symposium has been arranged by the Local Organizing Committee together with experts from the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group. Our colleagues have been instrumental in creating an excellent scientific programme and we are most grateful for their hard work and invaluable contributions.


We have received 150 excellent poster submissions and have selected twelve of them for oral presentations.

We hope and believe that these studies will smulate and inspire future research. The scientific commitee will award the Stephen Shalet and the Giulio D’Angio Poster Prizes to the two best oral presentations.


The two previous meetings were held in Lund and Edinburgh. It is our connued intenon to hold these European meengs every two years. They will alternate with the meengs organized in North America by Dr Daniel Green, with the aim of inspiring future research and collaboration.





















2011 Amsterdam